Sitemap - 2023 - Life UnCorked

The Dirty Little Business of Christian Music

I have Commanded The Ravens - A Wilderness Experience

Spiritual Cancer - Part One

The Talking Pen

Diligence and Discipline: The Price for Financial Success

Podcast Part 2: Edisto Island - Culture, Preservation, and Future Development

My First Podcast: An Interview With Richard Moore

An interview with Cork Hutson, Part I

Saving is Simple: Just Don't Spend

Lack of Financial Discipline, Not Income Is The Problem

Update to the Update

Extra, Extra, Read All About It: The Talking Pen Will Launch January 2024

Update: Podcast Link Will Drop Next Week

Stay Tuned: I Will Be Doing a Podcast Interview This Morning

Changes Coming

The Power of Words Series

A Short Note

Retirement Perspective Series

TUTORIAL: How to Create a Table of Contents For Serial Fiction and Series Publishing

Dear Readers, New and Old: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You For Your Support

Joy and Sorrow - A Devotion

Perspective: Work or Retirement - Finding That Sweet Spot

Part Four: The Power of Silence

Perspective: Retirement at Six Months In

Part Three: Seasoned Words

Part Two: Loose Lips

No Changes Coming

Invite your friends to read Life UnCorked

Part One: Things We Say

Father's Day in a Photo

Join me on Notes

I have Commanded The Ravens - A Wilderness Experience

On the Road Again

The Classroom of Disappointment

Rolling With the Punches -This Has Been One of Those Weeks

In Case You Haven't Read The About Page ... Welcome to Life UnCorked

Ledgers, and Spreadsheets, and Apps, Oh My - Budgeting Tools Have Come a Long Way, Baby

More Than Just Doing Time - A New Dynamic for Work-Life Balance

More Than Makin' It

Resourceful Contentment: Living on a Lot Less Than You Think Can - Without Suffering Deprivation

Ladies and Gentlemen, THIS is a Budget - Back To Basics

Budgeting: The Good Dirty Word

MOTIVATION: Fueled by Passion

Monday, Monday ...

Perspective: Retirement is Not an Age

Please, Don't Just Like Me - and never read what I have to say

Don't Just Stand There ...

70, 55, 34, 42, 41, 5, 9

Self Education: The Key That Unlocks Many Doors

Creating a Family Enterprise Zone

Easy-Peasy Pays a Pittance

Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding: What's The Difference?

Retirement Perspective: Two Months in

The Power of Noble Success

Book Discusion: Atomic Habits - The Secret to Breaking Addictions

Education: You're Not Done When You're Done

What Is Your Bent?

What Getting Fired Taught Me

A Rudder, a Paddle, and a Sail Were In a Boat Together

Balanced Prosperity

Firing Me Softly

A Paradigm Shift Will Profoundly Impact Your Life - Sometimes Suddenly, Sometimes Gradually

The Process of Personal Transformation: Overview

Book Discussion: Atomic Habits - The Difference Between Choices & Options

You Paid WHAT For That Car?

The Principle of Practical Personal Transformation: We Become What We Think About

Book Discussion: Atomic Habits - The Best Way to Start New Habits

To Niche Or Not To Niche, That Is The Question

Remember The Past So You Can See The Future

How Restlessness Saved My Life (and my Soul)

Book Discussion: Atomic Habits

Don't Stand Out, It Could Change Your Life - Confessions of a Closet Non-Conformist

Book Discussion: Atomic Habits

Living The Dream - The Trap of Comfortable Misery

Book Discussion: Atomic Habits

Perspective: Retirement Is Not A Dead End