2024 Update: Welcome to Life UnCorked

A Quick Intro for New Subscribers and Curious Onlookers

Cork Hutson - Writes Life UnCorked and The Talking Pen

January 12, 2024 marks one year of writing Life UnCorked as a retirement pursuit.

Life UnCorked is all about perspectives on Faith, Retirement, Money, Travel, Writing, and life in general - all the things that take up my time these days.

To launch year two, I’ve added another Newsletter that focuses on my love for Creative Writing. Check it out here:

Why Subscribe?

Besides a play on my name, I chose to name this newsletter Life UnCorked to write about my seven decades (so far) of life on planet Earth from the perspective of now being “UnCorked” (retired).

I write from a Christian Worldview, so there will be a spiritual application to much of the content.

One of my favorite life philosophers, Jim Rohn, wrote:

“The same winds of adversity blow on us all. What makes the difference is how we set our sails.”

The truth is that most of us learn to “set our sails” on the fly.

Almost everything we learn in life is through experience. Joy, sorrow, grief, disappointment. They all teach us how to set our sails in life.

Under normal circumstances, we learn what we need to know as we need to know it - by trial and error, and sometimes in the old proverbial fire.

Occasionally, we have the privilege to pass on some of the things life has taught us to others who may need a little mental or emotional nudge or a boost of encouragement.

Maybe my sails could have been set a little differently, I don’t know.

But I do know that life is constantly interrupting our plans. And, that is not always a bad thing. It’s how we learn to “roll with the punches” and perhaps experience things we never would have otherwise.

“Life is what happens while we’re making other plans” - John Lennon

So, here we are. Seven decades into it and this is where things stand. Finally, this newsletter fulfills my lifelong dream of being a writer, in the truest sense.

I can learn from you

The exchange of ideas and information is a 2-way street.

Life is filled with things we have learned from others who have experienced the very thing we may be facing at a particular moment in time.

So, while Life UnCorked is about what I’ve experienced, there is so much I don’t know.

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Let’s help each other successfully navigate this voyage called life.

I welcome your comments, even disagreements (respectfully), so I encourage you to interact with what you read.

If you find something that you can wholeheartedly endorse, please share it with someone you love.

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Join Me - It’s

I am aware there is an overwhelming number of blogs and newsletters competing for your attention these days. So, I greatly appreciate your support, my friends.

And please check out The Talking Pen when you get a minute.

About Cork

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Perfectly Aged Fine Wisdom For Every Circumstance: Faith, Family, Finances, Personal Development, Retirement, Travel, Writing.


Cork Hutson is a retired Navy Cryptologist and DoD Intelligence professional. As a Christian thinker & writer, he is passionate about helping others escape conformity and be transformed into the person they were created to be. Romans 12:2