Jul 24·edited Jul 24Liked by Cork Hutson

Wow! I'm so happy to have stumbled across this post. Ditto what Cav_guy said. A lot to chew on. I'm 62 and while I've had a somewhat interesting life married to a contractor, built many homes together, raised and homeschooled 7 children and now all the kids are out of the nest, God had different plans in store for me. Writing for sure. He has a project for me and I've been struggling with bring obedient and finishing it but he is also transforming my life in many ways. First my youngest daughter went to the street and became a fentanyl addict 2 years ago. I began seriously working at my writing a year ago while spending time with her on the street every week. God began to use me there and gave me this crazy love for the people in her community. It's turned into advocacy and ministry. Then my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer 2 months ago. Everything about my life right now is about change, but still in a state of limbo. I'm praying and waiting on the Lord and building my Substack as I finish my book. There's so much to think about in your article. I'm going to listen to the interview first as I love to hear people's faith journeys. Looking forward to reading the rest of the series as well and learning how to build the life I believe God wants for me.

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Wow, Rosemary. My woes in life seem quite trivial compared to what you have been/are going through. I have lifted you up in prayer and asked for you to be bolstered in your faith to meet the challenges that you face. It makes my heart glad to know that what I have written has a meaningful impact. Thank you for your kind words and support.

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Excellent article, Cork. A lot to chew on. Comfortable misery describes modern American life. How to escape or change. TEAM is a way. For transformation, defining what our life looks like is foundational. Being a man of faith, starts with studying the Bible and prayer. How does faith determine my life and choices? Interesting read.

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Thanks. I see you have signed up to write your own newsletter. I am also retired military (Navy) plus 14 years of working for the AF and a Christian, father and grandfather, so it appears we have much in common. I look forward to subscribing to your newsletter. Let me know when you post: corkhutsonwriter@gmail.com.

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