This will be a post I save. Very helpful guide and very helpful advice in the comments. Thank you!

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Hopefully it helps - if/when you do use it, let me know if it is clear and easy to follow. Thanks.

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Thank you so much for putting this together. This was a great tutorial. I will archive this after I try it out on my Silent Keys serial.

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I'm certainly open to suggestions after you try it out.

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Yes, that's the one I wanted to model it on, but I hadn't noticed that your chapter titles were only one line. I've been using the memoir title as the main title, then a chapter title as the subtitle. I guess I could avoid all that by making the memoir a separate section and just using chapter titles. Making it a separate section wouldn't be a bad idea, but I don't know if there's any way to move posts to a different section retroactively.

Meanwhile I've figured out that I can make my own "next" and "previous" links by entering a link to the next or previous chapter and typing "next" or "previous" as the text. The support I received said I could go to Settings: Website and enable next and previous links, but then I realized I would have to make the memoir a separate section or it would link to other posts that weren't part of it.

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Now I see why you suggested making the TOC only after the series is complete, because I assume when you published the chapters originally you had the title of the memoir at the main title and the chapter titles as the subtitle. So I guess you had to go back and change it to make only the chapter title appear. I think maybe for now I'll just do the "next" and "previous" links, and do a post encouraging people to use them. Thanks for all the effort you've put into this!

Actually, I think this was the only problem I was having, but I expected the thumbnail to look more like the original post, and it confused me.

Apparently you can also do it as a page, rather than a post, which would avoid having to publish it. That wouldn't avoid the problem with the thumbnails not having the chapter titles, though.

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The thumbnail will be a mirror of whatever your chapter image will be with what ever you name the chapter. If you don't have a name for each chapter, you can just Title it whatever your main title is and a chapter #. There's no right or wrong way. I usually like to name mine.

Here is another way I did it, before I figured out how to reduce the chapter images in the TOC:


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Well, I tried this already, and I just realized my first problem is that it only shows the first line of my post title, which is the title of the memoir, not the chapter title. So I guess I have to go back and change each chapter post to have only the chapter title if I want it to work.

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