The lurker theory is very real. I often have to remind myself.

In talk radio, we were always coached to do the show for the listener, not callers. Because less than 1% of the audience calls in. Use the calls strategically to make the show better. Don't just roll through them mindlessly. There are definitely some parallels with writing.

Heck, I lurk frequently!

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Mar 27Liked by Cork Hutson

Thanks for the kind words, Cork. I'll see if I can dig up an old copy of that ebook so you can share it with folks.

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Thank you, Jeff. I know I saved it, but for the life of me, I can't find it now.

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Mar 27Liked by Cork Hutson

Shoot me an email. I'll send you something.

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Done. DM’d you with email. Appreciate it.

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Mar 27Liked by Cork Hutson

Hi Cork, thanks so much for mentioning my Note. I was surprised how much attention it has gotten, but not surprised about the resonance among writers who are starting out here on Substack. I remember your note about the "lurkers" and really appreciated it. I'm glad you wrote a whole essay about this. Lurkers are similar to readers of newspapers (particularly, physical newspapers). When I was a newspaper and magazine reporter in my youth, I would have no idea who and how many read my articles. Of course, I was paid to do my job so the numbers/comments (which didn't really exist back then) didn't matter so much. But I think if we can borrow that perspective and know that readers are out there reading and getting inspired by what we write, it can help motivate us to keep going.

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Indeed. Took me a whole year to begin figuring this out. Like so many other newbie writers, I was obsessed with how many new subscribers each week brought. At that time I was was writing 3-5 pieces a week. It was rolling along well for about 5 months. Then, not only did I begin burning out (I am retired by the way and this pace felt too much like I was still in my 7-whenever job), but the quality of pieces began to wane and consequently, #s of new subs.

So, I wrote this piece to encourage new writers not to just write/publish but to engage. We will attract our Kindred Spirits.

And thank you for the inspiration your post gave me and for interacting. Onward and upward at a sustainable pace (which is different for each of us).

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Mar 27Liked by Cork Hutson

Thank you for sharing your hard-earned wisdom! I, too, love the engagement made possible on this platform. And taking my focus off the numbers and metrics really helped restore my sanity.

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Your interaction with me is a great example of what you are advising

O am so glad I 'met' you.

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There's so much in this article that spoke to me. Almost all of my readers were lurkers until recently when a few of them started interacting more and it gave me a nice spiritual boost.

I also liked what you said about us being our own ideal reader. That's how I've been approaching it. I figure at least I'll get something out of it no matter what!

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Yes, I believe if we write to ourselves, we will attract others of like mind. You and I are proof of this. Thanks for your comment.

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Thanks for the mention Cork!

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