Cork, wonderful and deep simmerings on getting older and how we bring God into every situation of our lives!

"Your life can be transformed from eke to peak no matter how old you are or where you are in life."

I love your quote above and it truly resonates with me. I was off the path of God for 35 years and finally, as I say, "collapsed onto God's front porch" after so many years as a Prodigal. God actually tells me I am one of His "late bloomers". I certainly question a lot, WHY WHY WHY I am still here, why God keeps this failure still going, when I have seemingly done nothing but MESS THINGS UP for so many long years. I am 71 and in the early Winter of my life...and yet He tells me, "work left to do" and Holy Spirit will lead the way. God bless your work, Cork and thank you also for the encouragement you have shown to me as well, in my sometimes dark nights of the soul. At least I write about "what NOT to do" and I hope each of our personal writings on Substack will reflect that God takes each of us WHERE WE ARE at any given time and makes us step by step into the image of His dear Son. Blessings to you, I subscribed. Wendy

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Thank you for your kind words, Wendy. Very encouraging.

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I can certainly relate to this. In the early part of my life I based my career goals mainly on passion, with some attention to potential, and not much to personality (which I hoped might magically improve). Despite almost consistent failures, it wasn't until I was in my 50s that it occurred to me to ask what God wanted me to do. That is, what can I actually succeed at, or what can I do best? Or, where am I needed and can do the most good? That was when things finally started coming together for me.

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Love this, Jennifer. Thanks for chiming in with your experience.

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We seldom take the time to appreciate His grace.

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My personal experience of having a daughter with special needs opened a world of interests to me that I never considered. Being blessed with a wife who convinced me to get a Master’s at 64 is a gift. Finding an outlet in Substack for my writings has been another gift. I think the hand of God is in all of this but we seldom take the to realize His grace.

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Thanks for that observation, Jordan. It appears, indeed, you have found your calling, my friend.

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Good thoughts… these are becoming more of my concern as I enter the 60s.

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Looking forward to this, Cork!

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Jul 9Liked by Cork Hutson

This really resonates with me right now. 20yrs of military service has come and gone. I am beginning my terminal leave for the next couple of months and ponder what God has in store for me and what my purpose entails. I desire to be closer to God while providing the most for my family (hopefully not spoiling them too much) and serving others. Thank you for dedicating time to this topic, I very much look forward to it! Be Blessed!

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"I am beginning my terminal leave for the next couple of months and ponder what God has in store for me and what my purpose entails. I desire to be closer to God while providing the most for my family (hopefully not spoiling them too much) and serving others." - Thanks for weighing in, Mitchell. Military to civilian life is a hard one for many.

Your comment reminds me of Philippians 2:13 - "For it is God which works in you both to will (desire) and to do of his good pleasure."

You have the desire, so the rest will follow.

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