Jul 25Liked by Cork Hutson

Thanks Cork, great writing

look forward to the next episodes

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Cork, thank you for more deep simmerings with the Biblical thread woven through. All the Biblical examples are needed, as each one (Abrahah, Joseph, Moses, etc.) were flawed humans who grabbed enough faith to keep going through the doubts and actually believe God would bring His promises to them, to fruition. The waiting, the enduring, is the very hard part...and why we cannot walk this road alone. We as followers of God and His Son need not only salvation but the partnership of brothers and sisters in Christ, even when we are still all works in progress. I am still quite raw and still struggle terribly with WHY God keeps me here when I feel an utter failure...and yet, Papa God, as I pour out my heart to Him every night, listens quietly, takes my hand, smiles into my tearful face, gives me a hug and then goes over His plan for the next day or so. He NEVER scolds or castigates but He encourages, over and over and over and over again. Praise be to God, He is REAL and not some "idea" or concept, but the real deal on the difficult road of human life and into Eternity with Him. Bless you, Cork! Wendy

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So happy it resonated, Wendy. Thanks for your comment and support.

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Love this! Looking forward to reading the other parts to this.

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Thank you, Rosemary. Keep the faith ...

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