great article. You do your substack in a way that meets your needs. Us readers will enjoy whatever you put out.

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Aug 1Liked by Cork Hutson

You can run or you can walk, you'll get there!

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I can totally identify with you! I retired last year (involuntarily because if the untimely death of my boss). Now, I wish I'd retired a couple of years sooner. I am still getting used to "not working'. My Substack and book writing "adventures" keep me busy enough with time to work on fun projects like classic toy restoration. Thanks for posting this... I loved reading it.

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Thanks, Jim. Glad to have fellow “retirees” to interact with.

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There is something freeing about limiting expectations. The only one I have kept for myself is a devotional every Tuesday--but that's more for my study discipline than anything else.

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Thanks for the plug, Cork, and I echo everything you have said about Substack and the people you meet here! Good stuff.

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I started very similar to how you did in that I told myself I would write every single day on a schedule. Then, just to make it harder I launched a DAILY newsletter. Well, I actually don't write every single day, but I still get them out. Truthfully, I spend a LOT more time than I anticipated reading other newsletters like your own. But I also never anticipated how much I would get back from the community. It's been a challenging but very rewarding experience. Thank you for the mention and your patronage. I appreciate you.

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Thanks for the mention Cork. At our age, writing has to be fun. We’ve “worked” enough. Write on!

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Thanks for the "vìrtual" friendship. I know we have redefined that good word to use for electronic, rather than personal, connection. I still think of it as "being good at something important." Like, being a virtuoso.

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Charge on Cork, you have a lot to offer in sharing your life experiences and looking forward to more.

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