Aug 26Liked by Cork Hutson

What a valuable resource, Cork; this is awesome!! And thank you for the kind mention!

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Well, I hope it is clear enough to easily follow. I tend to get bogged down in the weeds when trying to explain processes. Thank you, S.E. (I know your name is Sally, but S.E. - it has an aura of mystique, LOL).

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Thank you so much for sharing this! I'm still trying to navigate this platform and have been using tags and naming my series but this helps so much!

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Excellent Cork! I'm gonna restack it because I think everyone needs to see this.

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Appreciate it Ben.

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Holy cow! Bookmarked & Saved! Thank you 😊

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This looks very helpful. I have been trying to figure this out better. Someone showed me how to make tabs at top that correspond to the key words or whatever those words we put in before publishing are officially called. Now I need time and energy to try these tips out.

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Very helpful but comes across as very complicated and lots to remember in one go, but will attempt to try it all out through much trial and error am sure! 😄

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That’s the kind of feedback I need. I tend to over do it sometimes. Not sure how to simplify it more, though. Thanks.

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No, I think it's my inability to fully grasp it all, As tech stuff is all new to me, and just discover through trying things out. I'm not too sure I fully understand about the tags either. What is it's purpose exactly?

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