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If you’ve noticed my “likes” progressing through your articles today, you’ll realize what I’m doing today. Just reading.

It was a dream of mine to have the chunks of time to do what I WANTED to do and at this point I can say that dream has come true. I’m still busy ( probably a bit too much) , still working (closing in on retirement), but a couple of years ago I came across a program that has effectively changed my everyday life completely and for the better. It involves habit building and setting of routines to basically automate large swaths of the I-gotta-do-this aspects of my life. It’s called S.T.E.P. (Steps To Everyday Productivity) at a website called LearnDoBecome (yep, shameless plug there). So many of the habits (good) that I’ve built for myself over the last two years utilize what I learned from that program. I was tempted to share that at another point in my reading but thought I’d do it here.

All of this to say that the building of these habits has allowed me to freely do things I have always wished I had time to do. It bubbled over into other areas: daily meditation and bible reading among others. The Action has provided great Motivation, and the fruit of the vine really is transformation. It’s a process, and the most exciting part is that it feeds itself like a snowball effect; getting bigger as it goes, branching out into other areas of my life where there exists the “I wish I had time to do that “ stuff.

Like write.

Well that part scares me to pieces, but I do some for that very reason. It’s way outside my comfort zone.

Transformation is a really great byproduct of the process. It’s not a finite end result.

It’s transformation!

Thanks for your writing and indulging me a bit of sharing!

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