Cork - I would write down a budget, it's just that after keeping it in my head, at the end of the month I have nothing left to buy either paper or pencil.

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LOL ...

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Cork, I have to be honest. I have "liked" all of your posts thus far because...well...I have actually enjoyed all of them ☺️. They contain helpful and valuable information for daily life. And since my wife and I have budgeted our entire marriage, I'm really looking forward to this series. Keep on writing!

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Apr 15, 2023·edited Apr 15, 2023Author

Thanks for the encouraging feedback, Steve. While I know that many read the posts, most don't respond, even with likes. So the fact that you do is greatly appreciated. It's not always easy to capture life experiences in words that make sense to others, so if there is anything that you would disagree with or have need clarity on, please feel free to respond with that as well. I would love to have more discussion with readers.

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